==== v1.0 Maybes ==== * De-duplicate see-from and see-also results * Next / Prev links on details page to look at associated search results * set up record-level caching in the opac * get record paging working first * eventually get record -> MR paging * Metarecord holds. User selects a specific title to place a hold on. In the hold-placing process, we present the user with the option of selecting alternative formats. * Simplified print page for a set of records including title, author, and local CN's (needs more design specs) * Add wording in the My Account section explaining why patron's are only allowed to update certain bits of info * User setting for default hold pickup location * Allow libs to decide if they want to show non-cataloged circs on the My Account page for patrons * Add RSS links to the bookbags in My Account * consolidate non-cat circulations into a type/due-date and give a count (how will this work for items with sub-one-day circ durations?) * Simple explanation of what fields were searched in the opac * better paging interface (prev 10,11,12,13,...,20 next) * show multiple spelling suggestions * If search is clicked when in a results window, re-populate search. Partially explained in [[http://www.open-ils.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=166|bug 166]]. ==== Post v1.0, (wishlist) ==== * add the ability to change the formats on an existing metarecord hold. * don't show "My Search Results" when there was no MR search (drop the "My"?) - If there was no search, make the "title group" page display the metarecord * Cleaner notes interface for copies - do we need note titles? * Query propogation on advanced search page * Add spelling suggestions for advanced search terms as well * Create a "Purchase Request" form from patrons to request new materials. This will request items like title, author, ISBN, etc. (Pending policy decisions). This will also be the suggestions form (and any other forms we need) * Browse lists, similar to * http://www.barnesandnoble.com/subjects/subjects.asp?z=y * http://dogbert.abebooks.com/docs/Browse/ * Surveys in the OPAC * "Pop-out" or fullscreen link for shelf browser in copy details page * Add user preference for setting the default search branch and search depth on login * Add a set of 3 or so library quick search links in the location selector dropdown. The libs that are in the dropdown will be controlled by the user preferences * Leverage Galileo * Add some MARC quick searches in the MARC search area on the advanced search page which will automatically select the correct MARC tags and subfields and pre-populate the search row * Preference for default search format * Add ToC searching when doing a Title Search? Advanced search for TOC or just another field in the keyword search? * 'public' patron notes in the my account page * Children friendly opac (needs design input) * Add language switching to the OPAC (e.g. Spanish) * preference for default hold pickup location * when a user action in the opac fails because the user is barred, indicate who barred the user / who they need to contact. * specific pub date limiting in advanced search