Table of Contents

Reports Taskforce Meeting, July 13, 2011


Present: Jenny Turner (PALS), Ben Shum (Bibliomation), Jeff Godin (Traverse Area District Library), Christina Trotter (GPLS), Chris Sharp (GPLS), Shauna Borger (Indiana State Library), Amy Terlaga (Bibliomation)

**1. Introductions and Volunteer for Minutes**

Amy volunteered to take the minutes of the meeting. The agenda can be found here

2. Review and Approval of the June Meeting minutes

The June meeting minutes were approved. The minutes from the June meeting can be found here

3. Old Business and Updates

I. Pines/GPLS Reports RFP

*Jenny reminded the group of what Christina shared at the June meeting - Christina also shared with the group the link to the main page of the RFP:

*Chris Sharp explained that it is their intent to partner with the Evergreen community (including this group) so GPLS' contractors are developing a solution for as many Evergreen-using sites as possible. He also shared a link with the group to their wish list document regarding reports. This document is not connected to their RFP -

II. Documentation

III. Third Party Reporting Tools

IV. Anything else from past meetings?

4. New Business

I. Evergreen Taskforce Activities: volunteers to review/write Jenny pointed the group to the taskforce goals and activities page and asked for volunteers to review goals and come up with wording for activities. The group brainstormed for a bit and Amy volunteered to update the page.

II. IRC Meeting Review: format for next meeting?

III. Other New Business