Table of Contents

Evergreen Reports Taskforce Meeting Minutes: 2011-10-12

Time: 2:30 pm Eastern

Place: #Evergreen IRC channel.

I. Introductions/Volunteer for Minutes

Present: Justin Hopkins (MOBIUS), Jennifer Bielewski (Lyrasis), Ben Shum (Bibliomation), Tim Spindler (C/W MARS), Cristina Trotter (Oconee Regional Library System, GA/PINES), Chris Sharp (GPLS), Adrienne Detwiler (MOBIUS), Janine Gordon (MOBIUS), Elaine (TNRD)

Jennifer volunteered to record the minutes.

II. Review and approval of Aug. Minutes

August meeting notes, as the September meeting was canceled due to low attendance.

No corrections were made to the minutes.

III. Old Business and updates

1. PINES/GPLS Reports RFP update, if any

2. Documentation

3. Evergreen reports training pre- or post-conference at Evergreen Annual Conference

4. Anything else from past meetings?

New Business

Next meeting: November 9, 2011

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