
  1. Action items from previous meeting
    1. Update on status of tax rebate for the 2013 conference
      1. Answer: The 2013 conference did not in the end qualify for a rebate. However, the conference overall achieved a net gain of a bit over USD $5,900.
      2. For future conferences hosted outside of the U.S., tax implications should be considered when deciding whether or not to have Conservancy subcontract the conference (and the liability) to the proposed host.
    2. Is an open Amazon link acceptable?
    3. Status of proposal for backfilling documentation
  2. Financial Report (Galen)
  3. Evergreen 2.5 Release Manager's update (Dan Wells)
  4. Evergreen 2014 Conference Committee Report (Kathy Lussier)
  5. Merchandising (Rogan Hamby)
  6. Evergreen Hackaway update
    1. Future of the Evergreen staff interface – is there a role for the EOB?
  7. Evergreen testing efforts (Shauna Borger)
  8. Retreat day for resource allocators
    1. Question for the EOB: is there general interest in pursuing this idea?
  9. Planning for 2015 conference (Kathy Lussier)
    1. Is it time to start the selection process?
    2. Should the conference include as its goal raising funds for the project? Or should the emphasis be on minimizing costs for attendees?

Minutes of the 26 September 2013 meeting