1. Oversight Board Member Introductions

2. Minutes/Actions from last meeting - http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2016/evergreen.2016-06-16-14.01.html

  1. Reconciling the 2016 numbers between Tanya's budget tracking spreadsheet and the Conservancy's ledger. (Grace)
    • Most of the numbers on Tanya's spreadsheet are correct for the # and amount of EventBrite registrations, the # and amount of Sponsorships/Exhibitors, the payables to the hotel, etc.
    • There were a few small errors and omissions
    • Refunds to attendees were not tracked
    • Bad debt registrations were not noted.
    • The SFC's percentage was miscalculated.
    • This brings us closer to reconciliation but I'm awaiting a response from the SFC on whether there are any outstanding invoices before I recommend closing out the books.
  2. Run reports as needed for graced to perform the reconciliation. (Galen)
  3. Scheduling the first ROGER meeting via Doodle. (Ruth/Tim)
  4. Send revised Executive Session wording for review. (Grace)
  5. Investigate OSS grants. (Sharon)

3. Financial Update (Galen)

4. Committee Reports

5. Other New Business