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Software Freedom Conservancy membership application

To apply to the Conservancy, we ask project leader(s) send us the following (links to online documents where the information is already published is fine):

  • Detailed description of the project.
  • FLOSS License(s) used by the project
    • (dbs) Any original work produced by the project is "GPL v2 or later". Some Modified BSD / Mozilla Public License / Artistic-licensed code is bundled in the project.
  • Roadmap for future development.
  • link to the website.
  • Link to the code repository.
  • Have you ever had funds held by the project, or by any individual on behalf of the projects? How and for what did you spend those funds?
  • Brief history of the project, including past governance decisions.
  • Existing for-profit or non-profit affiliations, funding relationships, or other agreements that the project or its leaders have with other organizations.
  • Names, email addresses, and affiliations of key developers, past and present.
  • Information about any past for-profit or non-profit organizational affiliations the project has had.

Please note that this information will be shared with Conservancy's Board of Directors, its Evaluation Committee (which is currently just a subset of the Directors, but that may change in the future), and with some of Conservancy's existing member projects leaders. We like to get as much input as possible from Conservancy's existing project base when evaluating new projects for membership.

Also, please be advised that we currently have a backlog of applications, and it is currently taking about 3-6 months for projects to be considered by our evaluation committee. Usually, our evaluation committee comes back with a list of questions, and then if you answer quickly, it is one month later that the project is given a decision. We are prepared to take on more projects, but we do so carefully to be sure that the influx of new projects doesn't overtax our resources.

There has been overwhelming interest in the Conservancy, and we are evaluating projects on a first-come, first-evaluated basis. We are also prioritizing our work to make sure the needs of already accepted projects are met before we proceed on the evaluation and acceptance of new projects. Please understand that our delay is primarily to make sure projects already in the Conservancy get what they need, and should your project ultimately join the Conservancy, your project will be a beneficiary of that. Like most non-profits, we are struggling to match very scarce resources with a growing demand from the community that we serve. We have only two part-time staffers, who are both volunteers to Conservancy.

Feel free to submit the information I described, and anything else you'd like us to review in considering an application, and we will add you to the queue. We appreciate your understanding regarding the delay.

Finally, we ask that applying projects consider donating a percentage of their funding to the general operating costs of the Conservancy. This is a way to assure we can continue providing a high level of service to all Conservancy projects. This is, however, voluntary and negotiable.

governance/software_freedom_conservancy_membership_application.1283437012.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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