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newdevs:sidebar [2023/12/04 15:45] sclnewdevs:sidebar [2024/02/22 10:42] tmccanna
Line 38: Line 38:
 **The Middle Layers** **The Middle Layers**
   * [[newdevs:opensrf|The OpenSRF API (WIP)]]   * [[newdevs:opensrf|The OpenSRF API (WIP)]]
-  * [[newdevs:perl|The Perl Logic Layer (WIP)]]+  * [[newdevs:db:fm|Fieldmapper (WIP)]] 
 +  * [[newdevs:perl|The Perl Logic Layer]]
   * [[newdevs:searching|Searching and Indexing (WIP)]]   * [[newdevs:searching|Searching and Indexing (WIP)]]
Line 44: Line 45:
   * [[newdevs:db:postgresql|PostgreSQL (WIP)]]   * [[newdevs:db:postgresql|PostgreSQL (WIP)]]
   * [[newdevs:db:schemas|Database Schemas]]   * [[newdevs:db:schemas|Database Schemas]]
-  * [[newdevs:db:fm|Fieldmapper (WIP)]] 
   * [[|Data Models and Access]]   * [[|Data Models and Access]]
   * [[newdevs:logs|Logging (WIP)]]   * [[newdevs:logs|Logging (WIP)]]
newdevs/sidebar.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/27 21:39 by sleary

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