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vmware:debian [2008/08/21 15:46] kgsvmware:debian [2008/08/21 19:01] kgs
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 +======Evergreen on Debian VMWare image: Evergreen version
 +This [[|VMWare Debian image of Evergreen server]], built following [[|Evergreen documentation]], is provided for those who would like to take a quick look at Evergreen "under the hood" without the bother of compiling. 
 +The image comes pre-installed with 13,000 records from [[|Project Gutenberg]]. 
 +If you just want to see Evergreen in action, see our [[|Evergreen demo server]] or select a [[|live installation]]. 
 +If you just want to explore the circulation, cataloging, and reports services, you can simply [[|download the Evergreen staff client]] (available for Windows, Linux, and Mac) and point it at the [[|Evergreen demo server]]. 
 +  * It's well-known that performance is poor on virtual machines, due to all the abstraction going on. Once you've had a peek, please [[|install Evergreen]] to see how well it works in action. 
 +  * This image is usually one or two versions behind the current Evergreen production release. See the [[|Evergreen download page]] for the latest current stable version of Evergreen. 
 +=====Hardware requirements=====
 +  * A workstation with 1GB of RAM or more should be sufficient to run this VMWare image (the VMWare image itself only requires 512 MB of RAM).
 +=====Getting started=====
 +  * Download and install a [[|VMWare product]] onto your system. (VMWare Player and VMWare Server are both free downloads, and either will work; if you're not planning to create your own VMWare images, VMWare Player is sufficient.) 
 +  * Extract the zipped Evergreen Debian VMWare image from onto your hard drive to create a new directory, ''Evergreen_Debian''.
 +    * This is optional, but if you extract the ''Evergreen_Debian'' folder to a root directory (for example, ''c:\Evergreen_Debian''), you may be able to skip modifying the hostname (several steps below).  
 +  * In the VMWare product, open the VMWare image by pointing to ''Evergreen_Debian/Other Linux 2.6.x
 +kernel.vmx'' file in the ''Evergreen_Debian'' directory. Your Evergreen Debian Linux operating system should begin booting up, presenting you with a login prompt.
 +  * To log in to Evergreen:<code>
 +userid: root
 +password: openils</code>
 +This is a Debian system with all of the Evergreen development dependencies installed. This VMWare image was built with Evergreen
 +  * The hostname for this image was ''evergreen-server.localdomain''. To determine if this is the hostname for your installation, run the following command:<code>
 +perl -MNet::Domain=hostfqdn -e 'print hostfqdn'</code>
 +    * If the result is not **evergreen-server.localdomain**, change the corresponding string in ''/openils/conf/opensrf.xml'' from **evergreen-server.localdomain** to the results of this command. 
 +  * To start Evergreen: <code>
 +(root) # su - opensrf
 +(opensrf) $ cd /openils/bin
 +(opensrf) $ -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a start_router
 +(opensrf) $ -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a start_perl
 +(opensrf) $ -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a start_c
 +(opensrf) $ --daemon</code>
 +The three osrf* commands begin the opensrf services. The '''' command is optional; it starts the reporting services (Clark Kent -- reporter -- get it?). 
 +  * Once the services are up and running, switch to a new virtual terminal with ALT-F2 and start Apache:
 +(root) # /etc/init.d/apache2 start</code>
 +  * Now identify the IP address for this virtual machine:
 +<code>(root) # /sbin/ifconfig</code>
 +You should see something like this:<code>
 +eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:41:54:6B:FF
 +          inet addr: </code>
 +The number following "inet addr:" is your IP address.
 +  * You can then open up that IP address in the browser on your host machine to see the default Evergreen catalog interface.
 +=====Running the Evergreen staff client=====
 +**Note:** at the moment (8/21/2008) we have identified a couple of glitches that prevent the VMWare image of Evergreen from automatically working with the staff client. (In more specific terms, on the image, Apache doesn't expose the symbolic links for xul versions, and HEAD is linked to an older version for xul server files.) We should have a new image available shortly. 
 +  - If you haven't done so already, [[|download and install]] the Evergreen staff client 
 +  - Launch the staff client on your host operating system 
 +  - For Server/Hostname, enter the IP address of your Evergreen installation 
 +  - For Authentication, use "admin" as the username and "open-ils" as the password
 +=====Searching the Evergreen OPAC=====
 +On your local machine, don't expect the snappiest performance from the Evergreen VMWare installation, but a quick search for **mark twain** or **austen** should give you a feel for how the OPAC works. 
 +===== Questions =====
 +Questions about Evergreen or this image? Contact the open-ils-general
 +mailing list:
 +Dan Scott -
 +Laurentian University

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© 2008-2022 GPLS and others. Evergreen is open source software, freely licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later.
The Evergreen Project is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization.