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dev:release_process:schedule [2021/11/05 18:14] – [Table] add 3.8 to support schedule gmcharltondev:release_process:schedule [2024/09/29 17:38] (current) – [Evergreen Release Schedule and End of Life Policy] fix the year sandbergja
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 months of support (12 for general bugs and 3 more for security).  months of support (12 for general bugs and 3 more for security). 
-Releases are planned for March and September since this works best for public libraries and at the same time gives academic/government institutions extra time to plan summer upgrades. This should also allow the community to expect a more predictable release cycle.+Releases are planned for (roughly) March and September since this works best for public libraries and at the same time gives academic/government institutions extra time to plan summer upgrades. This should also allow the community to expect a more predictable release cycle.
 Below shows examples of how this schedule applies to the current Evergreen supported releases. Below shows examples of how this schedule applies to the current Evergreen supported releases.
 ^ Release  ^ General Release Date  ^ End of Life (general bug fixes)  ^ End of Life (security bug fixes)  ^ ^ Release  ^ General Release Date  ^ End of Life (general bug fixes)  ^ End of Life (security bug fixes)  ^
-| 3.6      2020-10-14            2021-10-14                       | 2022-01-14                        | +| 3.10     2022-11-15            2023-11-15                       | 2024-02-15                        | 
-| 3.7      2021-04-14            2022-04-14                       | 2022-07-14                        | +| 3.11     2023-05-30            2024-05-30                       | 2024-08-03                        | 
-| 3.8      2021-11-05            2022-11-05                       | 2022-02-05                        |+| 3.12     2023-12-13            2024-12-13                       | 2025-03-13                        
 +| 3.13     | 2024-06-07            | 2025-06-07                       | 2025-09-07                        | 
 +| 3.14                                                            |                                   |
 ===== Point Release Schedule ===== ===== Point Release Schedule =====
dev/release_process/schedule.1636150499.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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