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evergreen-eag:meetings:2024-09-17 [2024/08/26 09:27] – created edavisevergreen-eag:meetings:2024-09-17 [2024/09/17 15:23] (current) edavis
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 Tuesday, September 17th at 2 pm EST Tuesday, September 17th at 2 pm EST
-AgendaTBA+Discussion TopicCirculation Policy Management and Best Practices for Consortium wide policies. 
 +Most have consortium level policies and then granular rules for system and library levels for those who have variations.  
 +Review your policies and look at what was the majority and make that the default for the consortium and get more specific for specific libraries.  
 +Delicate political dance of getting everyone to agree. Sometimes it’s just easier to have specific policies for the outliers.  
 +Consortium wide polices for resource sharing circulations and then library specific for 
 +Share what neighboring libraries are doing to encourage libraries in systems to become more inline with what the rest of the system is doing.   
 +Do a deep dig on how often policies are getting hit and which ones are the common.  Look into contracting with a neutral 3rd party like your hosting vendor.  
 +Mark policies as inactive and then wait before deleting.  
 +Circulation Weights can help make your policies work the way you anticipate them to 
 +Wishlist bug idea: being able to customize the policy building screen so you can not display fields you don’t use.  
 +Circulation Modifiers names are the loan duration, so you can build policies that way, and it’s more clear how long the item will loan. 
 +How to transition?  Create new circ mods and policies and then start batch editing.  
 +Standardized patron permission groups is helpful.  
 +Description field is very helpful for documentation purposes and including support ticket numbers 
 +October Topic: Hold Policies
 Connection info: Connection info: Meeting ID: 845 7644 8978 Passcode: 334998 Meeting ID: 845 7644 8978 Passcode: 334998
evergreen-eag/meetings/2024-09-17.1724678853.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/26 09:27 by edavis

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