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qa:enhanced_concerto [2024/06/28 19:36] – [Bibliographic Records] rfrasurqa:enhanced_concerto [2024/09/19 13:50] (current) – [Users] tmccanna
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 +===== Enhanced Concerto Data Set =====
 The Enhanced Concerto data set was developed through a collaborative effort in the Evergreen Community. The purpose of the enhanced data set is to provide a richer data environment for ease of testing and evaluation of the Evergreen open-source ILS. The Enhanced Concerto data set was developed through a collaborative effort in the Evergreen Community. The purpose of the enhanced data set is to provide a richer data environment for ease of testing and evaluation of the Evergreen open-source ILS.
 Notable features include a larger organizational structure with more information for library systems, branches, and sub-units, more user types, as well as expanded data related to acquisitions, serials, statistical categories, and more.  The enhanced set also includes circulation modifiers - a connector between the many ILS system policies. Notable features include a larger organizational structure with more information for library systems, branches, and sub-units, more user types, as well as expanded data related to acquisitions, serials, statistical categories, and more.  The enhanced set also includes circulation modifiers - a connector between the many ILS system policies.
-===== Enhanced Concerto Data Set ===== 
-A comprehensive description of the Enhanced Concerto dataset shall be forthcoming.  In the meantime, the planning document is [[|available here]]. 
 ==== Organizational Structure ==== ==== Organizational Structure ====
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 ==== Users ==== ==== Users ====
-The Enhanced Concerto data sets includes both patron and staff accounts to be used for testing and evaluation of the Evergreen ILS.+The Enhanced Concerto data sets includes both patron and staff accounts to be used for testing and evaluation of the Evergreen ILS. All users are set to use the password 'demo123' for ease of testing.
 === Staff Accounts === === Staff Accounts ===
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 === Bibliographic Records === === Bibliographic Records ===
 The Enhanced Concerto dataset includes over 300 bibliographic records describing a variety of materials including books, magazines/serials, realia, equipment, musical scores, and more.  These records are of varying quality in terms of the accuracy and richness of their description.  They also represent materials described in a **variety of languages** and generated by an **international body of creators**. \\ \\ A list of those bibliographic records to facilitate evaluation and testing is available in the [[qa:enhanced_concerto_bib_records|Enhanced Concerto Bibliographic Record Table]]. The Enhanced Concerto dataset includes over 300 bibliographic records describing a variety of materials including books, magazines/serials, realia, equipment, musical scores, and more.  These records are of varying quality in terms of the accuracy and richness of their description.  They also represent materials described in a **variety of languages** and generated by an **international body of creators**. \\ \\ A list of those bibliographic records to facilitate evaluation and testing is available in the [[qa:enhanced_concerto_bib_records|Enhanced Concerto Bibliographic Record Table]].
-\\ \\ Some of these records also have items attached. A list of items attached to bibliographic records and owned by example libraries is available in the [[qa:enhanced_concerto_holdings|Enhanced Concerto Holdings Table]].+\\ \\ Some of these records also have items attached. Lists of bibliographic records with attached items for each  example libraries are available at the links below. 
 +== Bibliographic Records with holdings(items) at Example Libraries == 
 +These lists exist in a Google Sheet.  You do not need a Google account to view these lists. 
 +  * [[|Wiltshire Library (LPLS-WIL)]] 
 +  * [[|Helm's Deep Public Library (RPLS-HDPL)]] 
 +  * [[|West Emnet Public Library (RPLS-WEPL)]] 
 +  * [[|Shire Public Library System Bookmobile (SPLS-BKM)]] 
 +  * [[|Bree Public Library (SPLS-BPL)]] 
 +  * [[|Hobbiton Public Library (SPLS-HPL)]] 
 === Serials === === Serials ===
 +Bibliographic records within a subset of those included in the Enhanced Concerto data set have serials information added.  These records have been marked in the [[qa:enhanced_concerto_bib_records|Enhanced Concerto Bibliographic Record Table]].
 === Authorities === === Authorities ===
 +The Enhanced Concerto data set includes an expanded Library of Congress authorities control set with almost 400 thesauri included.  The full set of included thesauri can be viewed, when logged into the Evergreen ILS client (with EC data set included) by following the path Administration Menu > Server Administration > Authority Thesaurus.  Please be aware that these thesauri may not include up-to-date LoC authorities records.  The documentation for Evergreen ILS includes information about [[|administering]] and [[|managing]] authority records.
 +=== Acquisitions ===
 +Acquisitions tools within the ILS can be very useful for libraries.  Some data has been included in the Enhanced Concerto data set for evaluative purposes.  It is recommended that new funding sources and funds be set up for testing purposes.  Instructions for administering the acquisitions tools in Evergreen ILS are available in the [[|Evergreen Documentation]].
qa/enhanced_concerto.1719617767.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/28 19:36 by rfrasur

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