======Bibliography of Evergreen reviews or analyses====== ^ Date ^ Author ^ Title ^ | 2008 (October) | Eriko, KUDO and KATAOKA Shin | [[http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/johokanri/51/7/480/_pdf/-char/ja/|次世代OPACの可能性 ―その特徴と導入への課題―]] (//A big wave of Next Generation Catalog - Its features and implementing into Japanese library systems//) Journal of Information Processing and Management, 2008, v.51 no. 7 | | 2008/07/23 | Colorado State Library - Project Task Force | [[http://groups.google.ca/group/open-source-co-libraries/web/Open-Source-ILS-Whitepaper-PUBLIC-DRAFT.pdf|Statewide ILS Based on Open-Source Software – Report on the Viability for Colorado Libraries]] | | 2008/06/27| Müller, Tristan | [[http://www.bibliothequeglobale.org/sigb_libre/FBG_SIGBL_Etude2008.pdf|Étude comparative des principaux SIGB libres]] (//Comparative study of the major open source integrated library systems//) | | 2008/05/28 | Hyman, Ben and Julie Walker | [[http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla74/papers/159-Hyman_Walker-en.pdf|Case study: The Evergreen Open Source Integrated Library System; its origins and significant implementations in the USA and Canada]] | | 2007/10/12 | Dan Scott | [[http://www.coffeecode.net/uploads/reports/Assessing_Evergreen.pdf|Assessing Evergreen for an academic bilingual library]] | | 2007/10/12 | Dan Scott | Evergreen Business Readiness Rating [[http://www.coffeecode.net/uploads/reports/BRR-Evergreen.ods|OpenOffice]] / [[http://www.coffeecode.net/uploads/reports/BRR-Evergreen.xls|Excel]] |