====== Design System Roadmap ====== ===== Editorial Style Guide ===== **[[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KNKQNYJdbHqIybQNt6DeoDh_YHU1IgtrROuPKeRxFiM/edit?usp=sharing|DRAFT Google Doc]]** Guidelines for writing microcopy: the small bits of text in the user interface. * Page titles * Navigation menu items * Subheadings and tab titles * Table column headers * Form labels, instructions, and formatting hints * [[community:ui_ig:style_guide:error_messages|Error messages]] * Success messages * Loading messages * Empty states ("nothing added yet", "no results found") * Buttons Note that [[https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:dig_style_guide#standard_terminology|the Documentation Interest Group has a brief style guide]] in place. ===== UI Component Pattern Library ===== * [[ui_ig:style_guide:buttons|Buttons]] * Icons * Tables and grids * Tab sets * Multi-step processes * Cards * Trees * Modals, confirmations, and dialogs * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xIQrRmkmvYyc5r-wJA5MDbJhLp_GNRnbraLM1SOREGw/edit?usp=sharing|Button alignment]] * Focus order and keyboard controls * Search forms * Edit forms * Progress bars * Banners and alerts * Date pickers * Pagination * Comboboxes and select lists ===== Page Templates ===== * Record detail + related items * Introductory pages (splash screens) ===== Design Elements ===== * Color * Typography * Spacing * Visual hierarchy