====== Using MeetBot for IRC Meetings ======
[[http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot|Meetbot]] is an IRC plugin that has been installed to pinesol to facilitate and support the various meetings that take place in the Evergreen IRC channel.
Full manual: http://meetbot.debian.net/Manual.html
===== General Usage Commands =====
=== #startmeeting ===
This command tells MeetBot to begin listening for creation of meeting notes later.
If you include any text after the command, it will become the meeting topic.
Example: #startmeeting 2012-01-31 - Developer Meeting
=== #topic ===
This command sets the topic of discussion.
Example: #topic When will 2.2 be released?
=== #info ===
This command logs a note about a given topic.
Example: #info 2.2 is likely to be released in March 2012.
=== #agree ===
This command logs when the group "agrees" to a particular course of action.
Example: #agree Let's work together on 2.2 release process.
=== #action ===
This command logs an action item for the meeting.
If you specify a user in the action, it will target that user for the task.
Example: #action bshum to finish more of the MeetBot usage guide.
=== #idea ===
This command logs an "idea" for future reference.
Example: #idea It would be great if we tried using MeetBot more often to track meeting notes.
=== #startvote ===
This command starts a vote. Format is "#startvote ? Option1, Option2[, Option3...]"
Example: #startvote Should bshum be the release manager from now on? Yes, No
=== #vote ===
Register a vote value.
Example: #vote Yes
=== #showvote ===
See the current voting tallies.
Example: #showvote
=== #endvote ===
End voting.
Example: #endvote
=== #help ===
This command notes a request for "help".
Example: #help Need to find volunteer to lead more developer meetings.
=== #endmeeting ===
This command tells MeetBot that the meeting has ended and will print out links to the notes, logs, and raw text.
Example: #endmeeting
===== Sample Meeting =====
Meeting Output: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2011/evergreen.2011-12-16-01.55.html
Commands used:
#topic Discussion of Issue 1
#info bshum working on MeetBot plugin.
#action bshum to play less and work more
#topic Discussion of Issue 2: Star Trek vs. Star Wars
#info Star Trek is clearly superior. That is all.