====== Developer meeting: July 19, 2011 ====== Meeting takes place on [[http://evergreen-ils.org/chat.php|IRC]] on the #evergreen channel on Freenode. See the [[http://evergreen-ils.org/calendar|Calendar]] for specific dates and times. Held at * 09:00:00 a.m. Tuesday July 19, 2011 in America/Los_Angeles * 12:00:00 p.m. Tuesday July 19, 2011 in Canada/Eastern * 16:00:00 Tuesday July 19, 2011 in UTC Last meeting: * [[dev:meetings:2011-07-05|2011-07-05]] - //cancelled due to lack of participants / interest // * [[dev:meetings:2011-06-21|2011-06-21]] ===== Logs and minutes ===== * [[http://evergreen-ils.org/irc_logs/evergreen/2011-07/%23evergreen.19-Tue-2011.log|IRC logs]] * Minutes will be supplied in this document after the meeting finishes. ===== Prior to the meeting ===== * Please fill out [[community:irc_channel|Who's who]] if you want to be identified more readily in the future ===== Agenda ===== - Determine the taker of minutes: moodaepo (Anoop Atre) - Determine meeting leader: dbs (Dan Scott) - Announcement: A new committer is joining the Evergreen dev community family, Thomas Berezansky (tsbere) who works for the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium in Massachusetts. - Review action items - gmcharlt to write up some ideas on improving git use and releases * **STATUS**: Done. * Start using "git -s" when cutting releases, -s also means that devs may want to do a key-signing party at some point. * Attempt to get funding for a code signing key for things like the windows client builds. * dbs had some thoughts on the sign-off section added by mrpeters-isl to dev:git, he suggested we "add a remote" instead of "add a branch", for example, and it's a one-time thing; and he leans towards cherry-pick + test rather than commit --amend unless it's just one commit. - gmcharlt working on: [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/740320|LP 740320]] and [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/520175|LP 520175]] ([[http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=evergreen/equinox.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ext/pioneer-autogrid-improvements | related work ]]) * **STATUS**: Open. * **ACTION ITEM**: gmcharlt will respond when possible. - dbs to poke jamesrf via email about: [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/780665|LP 780665]] (spine labels assume LC) * **STATUS**: Done. jamesrf uploaded a patch as requested; dbs has tested and applied the patch. - gmcharlt to review [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/787162|LP 787162]], [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/758945|LP 758945]] * **STATUS**: Still in process, deferred to next. - gmcharlt suggested that we have a pullrequests review meeting opposite to dev meetings (to be added to mailing list for discussion) * **STATUS**: Open. * Possibly have pullrequest meetings more frequently to supplement the committfests * tsbere noted that gmcharlt was thinking the weeks we don't have a dev meeting. So every tuesday at noon there would be a dev meeting or a pullrequest meeting. * **ACTION ITEM**: Still need to find a volunteer to confirm schedule, send out notification, and arrange other admin overhead stuff. - phasefx will take an action for making a custom git command to spit out the invocation for checking out a specific branch from a specific repository * **STATUS**: Open. * **ACTION ITEM**: tsbere will be looking at custom git commands. #!/bin/sh # Have this be something like /usr/local/bin/git-url and invoke as "git url" while sitting in the checked out branch. # Not perfect. For example, you may have the repo URL be something like git@git.evergreen-ils.org while others may # need git://git.evergreen-ils.org/, or vice versa giturlbranch=`git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/\1/'` giturlrepo=`git config -l | grep ${giturlbranch}.remote | cut -f2 -d=` giturlrepourl=`git config -l | grep ${giturlrepo}.url | cut -f2 -d=` echo git add remote $giturlrepo $giturlrepourl echo git co -b $giturlbranch $giturlrepo/$giturlbranch - Conifer held TT OPAC development days @ University of Windsor, June 27-29th. See notes [[dev:opac:template-toolkit:todos|here]]. ===== Patch review queue ===== We don't want to let submitted patches rot, here's a [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-datecreated&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.tag=&field.tags_combinator=ANY&field.has_cve.used=&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.affects_me.used=&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_patch=on&field.has_branches.used=&field.has_no_branches.used=&field.has_blueprints.used=&field.has_no_blueprints.used=&search=Search|list of bugs with attached patches]] [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&field.status:list=NEW&field.status:list=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status:list=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status:list=CONFIRMED&field.status:list=TRIAGED&field.status:list=INPROGRESS&field.tag=pullrequest&field.tags_combinator=ANY&search=Search|Also a list of bugs with "pullrequest" tags that may also contain patches]] New section of dev:git with some steps for [[dev:git#adding_a_sign-off_to_a_new_feature_in_a_collab_branch|adding a signoff]]. A spreadsheet of bugs that could use some attention (statuses, confirmation, etc.) is available at http://goo.gl/a9SAQ * mrpeters-isl has started a FAQ page for bug wranglers http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dev:bug_wrangler:faq ===== Evergreen release statuses ===== - Evergreen release status: - 1.6.1.x (current release = - Bugs targeted to [[https://launchpad.net/evergreen/+milestone/|]] - 2.0.x (current release = 2.0.7) - Need to mark 2.0.7 as closed and released on LP. - Bugs targeted to [[https://launchpad.net/evergreen/+milestone/2.0.8|2.0.8]] - 2.1.x (current release = 2.1-rc1) - Status check - [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bugs?orderby=-datecreated|Most recently reported bugs]] ===== Next meeting ===== * On calendar for [[dev:meetings:2011-08-02|Tuesday, August 2nd]] at 12:00 EST, 9:00 PST.