====== October 8th, 2024 Developer Meeting ====== **Date:** 08 October 2024 **Time:** 3:00 pm Eastern / 12:00 pm Pacific **Location:** #evergreen IRC channel on [[https://evergreen-ils.org/communicate/irc/|Libera]] ====== Action Items from Last Meeting ====== * eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets * gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946 * abneiman will intentionally solicit feedback from translators about translation work in lock step with point releases * waiting on * waiting on gmcharlt for access to POEditor for git integration * sleary and sandbergja will create/consolidate the test writing wiki page(s) * bug 2076921 expected to get more testing and merged, and beta uploaded to store ===== Updates ===== ==== Release info ==== === OpenSRF === [placeholder] === Evergreen === [placeholder] === Hatch === [placeholder] === Documentation === [placeholder] === Launchpad Status (as of noon Eastern) === == Snapshot == * Open Bugs - x * Pullrequests - x * Signedoff - x == Updates Since Last Meeting == * Bugs Added - x * Pullrequest tag Added - x * Signedoff tag Added - x * Needswork tag Added - x * Needstestplan tag Added - x * Needsrebase tag Added - x * Fix Committed - x ===== New Business ===== [placeholder] ===== Announcements ===== * Next Meeting is Tuesday, November 12th 2024 (but maybe not because of the Hack-a-way)