====== Developer meeting: February 8, 2011 ====== Held at * 09:00:00 a.m. Tuesday February 8, 2011 in America/Los_Angeles * 12:00:00 p.m. Tuesday February 8, 2011 in Canada/Eastern * 04:00:00 p.m. Tuesday February 8, 2011 in UTC Last meeting: [[dev:meetings:2011-02-01|2011-02-01]] ===== Agenda ===== Meeting takes place on [[http://evergreen-ils.org/chat.php|IRC]] on the #evergreen channel on Freenode. See the [[http://evergreen-ils.org/calendar|Calendar]] for specific dates and times. ===== Logs and minutes ===== * [[http://evergreen-ils.org/irc_logs/evergreen/2011-02/%23evergreen.08-Tue-2011.log|IRC logs]] * Minutes will be supplied in this document after the meeting finishes ===== Prior to the meeting ===== * Please fill out [[community:irc_channel|Who's who]] if you want to be identified more readily in the future ===== Meeting ===== **NOTE: this meeting was held informally with no leader/notes, some agenda items will be covered in next meeting instead.** - Determine the taker of minutes: ? - Determine meeting leader: ? - (10 min) Review [[dev:meetings:2011-02-01|Action Items from previous meeting]] - Mike Rylander to write release notes for Evergreen * **STATUS**: ? - James Fournie / SITKA to test 2.0 and report back * **STATUS**: ? - Anoop Atre to flesh out and post to the list about [[dev:post_2.0_planning|post-2.0 planning]]. * **STATUS**: ? - Dan Wells to backport [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/684491|handle_checkin_backdate bug (LP 684491)]] fix to rel_1_6, rel_1_6_1, and rel_1_6_2 * **STATUS**: Done. - Galen Charlton volunteered to lead a test hackfest (testfest?), either before the Conference, to build up a set of unit tests. * **STATUS**: ? - Dan Scott to post to mailing list about Google Summer of Code application. * **STATUS**: Done, see: http://markmail.org/message/zqjoa3wizxvqrwlb - Mike Rylander will cut the 2.0.1 release hopefully on Thursday * **STATUS**: Done. - Mike Rylander will add the Evergreen [[dev:rolling_a_release|release rolling steps]] to the wiki so that we can automate them. * **STATUS**: Started, see [[scratchpad:build-cutting|scratchpad:build-cutting]] - Continuous integration server update - Evergreen release status: - 1.6.1.x (current release = - Bugs targeted to [[https://launchpad.net/evergreen/+milestone/|]] - 2.0.x (current release = 2.0.1) - Bugs targeted to [[https://launchpad.net/evergreen/+milestone/2.0.2|2.0.2]] - 2.1 status? - [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bugs?orderby=-datecreated|Most recently reported bugs]] - (2 min) Schedule next meeting * [[dev:meetings:2011-02-15|Tuesday, February 15th]] at 12:00 EST, 9:00 PST