====== New Tab Feature ====== ==== Summary ==== When a user in the staff client ctrl-clicks a search result item, the item details will open in a new tab. Blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/evergreen/+spec/new-tab ==== Action ==== This feature will alter the following files: * Open-ILS\src\templates\opac\parts\result\table.tt2 * Open-ILS\src\templates\opac\parts\js.tt2 * Open-ILS\src\sql\Pg\950.data.seed-values.sql * Open-ILS\src\perlmods\lib\OpenILS\WWW\EGCatLoader\Search.pm This feature will add the following file: * Open-ILS\src\sql\Pg\upgrade\XXXX.add-option-for-new-tab-without-ctrl.sql If the user is on a staff client, the result title link will call a new_tab JS function on ctrl-click. This is defaulted to on and can be switched to activate on standard left click in the client settings under Admin (.) → Local Administration → Library Settings Editor. The sql files are to add the option to the Library Settings Editor. Pushed to working directory as branch user/catalystit/search_result_new_tab ==== Deliverable ==== - This feature will be a selectable option to require or not require that the crtl button be pressed to open a new tab for a clicked upon result link on the search results page.