===== Evergreen 2.4 Documentation Needs ===== Below are new 2.4 features that need documentation. If you volunteer to create documentation, add your name in blue. Additional information about each of these features may be available in the [[http://evergreen-ils.org/documentation/previews/RELEASE_NOTES_2_4_beta1.html|2.4 release notes]]. ====Acquisitions==== * Acquisitions Inline Item Detail View - MassLNC/SITKA * Acquisitions Lineitem Order Identifiers - MassLNC/SITKA * Acquisitions Purchase Order and other Interface Improvements - MassLNC/SITKA * Acquisitions MARC Upload Form Persistence - MassLNC/SITKA COMPLETE! * Default Number of Acquisitions Copies to Order - MassLNC/SITKA COMPLETE! ====OPAC==== * Options to hide some user preferences - could be added to config.tt2 section of [[http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.3/_customizing_templates.html]] and/or in the [[http://booki.flossmanuals.net/evergreen-in-action/_edit/|Evergreen in Action Designing Your Catalog]] chapter. * Search changes * Two new Server Admin interfaces MARC Search/Facet Class FTS MAPS and MARC Search/Facet Field FTS Maps * Searching for deleted records - ESI COMPLETE! * New create_date and edit_date qp filters - ESI COMPLETE! * Google Books Preview - could be added to config.tt2 section of [[http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.3/_customizing_templates.html]] and/or in the [[http://booki.flossmanuals.net/evergreen-in-action/_edit/|Evergreen in Action Designing Your Catalog]] chapter. * Org Unit Hiding - ESI COMPLETE! * Local Call Number in My Lists - ESI COMPLETE! ====Cataloging==== * MARC Import Tag Stripping - ESI COMPLETE! * Vandelay Default Match Set can be incorporated into [[http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.3/_record_display_attributes.html|existing Vandelay match set documentation]] and/or in the [[http://booki.flossmanuals.net/evergreen-in-action/_edit/|Evergreen in Action Importing Materials in the Staff Client chapter]] * Direct access to item attribute editor - ESI Can be incorporated into Cataloging Templates docs (have not been ported over from 1.6 docs yet) and Hide Fields in Copy Editor docs (need to be ported over from: [[http://www.esilibrary.com/esi/docs/asciidoc/Hide_Fields_in_Copy_Editor_2.2_doc/Hide_Fields_in_Copy_Editor_2.2.txt]]. ====Circulation==== * Clickable Patron Indicators - Can be incorporated in [[http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.3/_circulation_patron_record.html|Patron record chapter]] wherever the indicators are mentioned. ESI ====Administration==== * Calculated Proximity Adjustments - ESI COMPLETE! * Custom Best-Hold Selection Order - ESI COMPLETE! * Generic CSV Notification Generator/Receiver * Storing Z39.50 Server Credentials - ESI COMPLETE! * URL Verification - ESI COMPLETE! ====Serials==== * Serial Control: Embed Alternate Interfaces - Calvin College COMPLETE! * Serial Control: Set Special Statuses - Calvin College COMPLETE! ====Staff Client==== * Staff Client Search Preferences - Add as separate chapter to the Using the Staff Client section.