**Evergreen 2.7 Documentation Needs** (deprecated, see [[evergreen-docs:2.8_needs]]) Documentation needs based on the [[http://evergreen-ils.org/documentation/release/RELEASE_NOTES_2_7.html|2.7 Release Notes]]. Copy the HTML code below to update the status of an item: * Assign yourself: ''[your name]'' ([your name]) * Add a status: '' COMPLETE!'' (COMPLETE!) ====Acquisitions==== * Differentiate Delayed vs Canceled Item [ESI] COMPLETE! * EDI account set up [Jennifer] COMPLETE! ====Administration==== * Switch to XLSX format for Excel report output **[bitesize]** [Angela] COMPLETE! * Add to https://github.com/evergreen-library-system/Evergreen/blob/master/docs/reports/reporter_view_output.txt *Report editing [ESI] COMPLETE! *Report hints [ESI] COMPLETE! *Secondary permission groups [Jennifer] COMPLETE! ====Cataloging==== *Display "Imported As" in Vandelay Queue [Yamil] COMPLETE! (Yamil wants to collaborate with any new DIG members on this simple feature.) *MARC Stream Importer Command line options [Kathy] *Merge Parts C/W MARS COMPLETE! *Copy View/Edit Links [ESI] COMPLETE! ====Circulation==== * Change to holds shelf expire date **[bitesize]** Joan Kranich/Yamil Suarez COMPLETE! * Add to //Clearing Shelf-Expired Holds// section at https://github.com/evergreen-library-system/Evergreen/blob/master/docs/circulation/holds.txt * Support for a lost and paid status - [Kathy] COMPLETE! ====OPAC==== * Added Content by ID [Jim Keenan] * Content Cafe Added Content Update [Jim Keenan] * More RDA 264 tag support [Yamil] (Yamil wants to collaborate with any new DIG members on this simple feature.) * Sitemap builder - [Dan Scott] COMPLETE! ====Serials==== ====Miscellaneous====