====== Evergreen Report Interest Group Meeting: 2022-03-30 ====== * **Wednesday, March 30, 2022** at 2:00 PM Eastern No agenda for this meeting. Notes from wiki review: * Wiki needs a list of base templates for the community * Needed template ideas: * Number of items * List of patrons with contact info * Statistical categories * Weeding * List items by copy status * Acquisitions * [[evergreen-reports:meetings:2022-03-30:LARL-folders|Full list of folders from LARL]] * Ability to share templates would greatly help this effort for the community * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1807254|Launchpad ticket]] on exporting and importing templates - please add heat! * How to we factor the Simple Reporter into what gets posted on the wiki? * Action for ALL: Build a template for finding your most used report templates, run a report from it, and bring the results back to the group. This could help us prioritize the list. * [[http://list.evergreen-ils.org/pipermail/evergreen-reports/2022-March/000343.html|Template shared to the reports mailing list]] * Action: Jessica to review SQL queries listed in the wiki to make sure they are accurate * Action: Jessica will invite Andrea from Equinox to speak on the Simple Reporter at the next meeting * [[https://it.westchesterlibraries.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Evergreen-Reports-Modifying-Templates1.pdf|Reports Training Presentation]] shared by Allison at Westchester County Libraries