====== Transit Reports ====== ===== Hold Transits (from different branches) Report ===== **Submission Notes:** This report was created on 6/15/10 by Ben Shum, Bibliomation on behalf of Mike Peters, Evergreen Indiana. **Version**: Evergreen 2.0.6 **Data Sources Used**: **Running Tips/Guidelines**: This report was designed to show hold transits from libraries that do not share the same parent branch. SELECT aou.name, count(ac.id) FROM action.hold_transit_copy ac INNER JOIN actor.org_unit aou ON aou.id = ac.source INNER JOIN actor.org_unit aou2 ON aou2.id = ac.dest WHERE aou2.parent_ou != aou.parent_ou GROUP BY aou.name ORDER BY 2 DESC; Back to [[evergreen-reports:sql:circulation|Evergreen Circulation Reports]] page