Notes from the EG Taskforce Conference Call: 2010-09-08 September 08, 2010; 1:00-1:40pm ET In attendance: Katherine Gregory (PINES), Amy Terlaga (Bibliomation), Jenny Turner (PALS) **//Old Business://** Classic circ reports: Katherine and Jenny worked on testing these; they are no longer supported in v. 1.6. Katherine has confirmed with ESI. There should be a way to do these, as it seems they would be of interest to libraries in general. PINES Reports Requirements: Katherine shared the requirements a group from PINES created. She will post these to the Reports Taskforce Google groups page. It would be nice if a graphical representation of the interface could be created. Sharing templates: Amy will check with Galen to see if there is some way to share reports templates. Both Jenny and Amy have vague memories of him saying it couldn't be easily done at the last EG conference. If there isn't a way to share, this may be something we would want to recruit funding for. The taskforce will continue to plug away at this. SQL reports: Ben at Bibliomation is working on scheduling SQL reports through PG Agent. Amy has suggested that he do a presentation on this at the next EG conference. **//New Business://** Canned reports in 2.0? KCLS is using ESI for reports, but Amy wasn't sure about any specifics. Katherine is attending reports training at ESI on Thurs. She will ask the trainer (Sally Fortin). EG 2011 Conference: an announcement is forthcoming. The reports taskforce should consider presenting. A session on constructing a good template could be beneficial, in addition to something on SQL reports. **To Do:** * Amy: send email directly to other taskforce members, perhaps they aren't receiving the Google Groups emails?; contact Shae/ESI about canned reports for circ counts by Dewey hundreds/tens. * Katherine: post PINES reports requirements to our Google Groups page