===== Evergreen Reports Taskforce Meeting Minutes: 2011-11-09 ===== Time: 2:30 pm Eastern Place: [[http://evergreen-ils.org/irc.php|#Evergreen IRC channel]]. ====I. Introductions/Volunteer for Minutes ==== **Present:** Amy Terlaga (Bibliomation), Ben Shum (Bibliomation), Cristina Hernandez Trotter (Oconee Regional Library System, GA/PINES), Jason Etheridge (ESI), Steve Wills, Jeff Godin (TADL) Jenny will compile the minutes. ====II. Review and approval of Oct. Minutes ==== [[evergreen-reports:meetings:2011-10-12|October meeting notes]] No corrections were made to the minutes. ==== III. Old Business and updates ==== **1. PINES/GPLS Reports RFP update, if any** * The reports interface development project has been postponed due to lack of funds. * Cristina will let the taskforce know if anything else develops on this. **2. Documentation** * Please review what exists and submit what is needed to Jenny (jennifer.turner(at)mnsu.edu) * Amy asked for clarification on sharing reports documentation. * Documentation can be emailed to Jenny directly (email above), sent to the reports listserv (evergreen-reports@list.evergreen-ils.org), or linked to it on the DocuWiki page (http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php). This last option is great if it is something that can't be easily integrated into the DIG documentation * * Cristina has linked her reports documentation to Evergreen Community wiki page under [[http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=community_tutorials|Community Tutorials]]. **3. Jeff Godin and JasperReports** * Jeff reported that TADL went live with JasperReports last week. They are continuing to add reports. * TADL hopes to hope to have a public demo up before the end of the year. * It was hinted that this - and other reports-related topics - would be great presentations at the Evergreen Conference. **4. Evergreen reports training pre- or post-conference at Evergreen Annual Conference** * No update at this time. Jenny volunteered to inquire about this after the meeting. * People should also start brainstorming ideas for a Reports Interest Group meeting at the conference ==== IV. New Business ==== * PINES has started a reports list-serv locally for library staff to troubleshoot reports. Cristina reports that this has been a good way to share information. Jenny reminded the group that the evergreen-reports@list.evergreen-ils.org could be used for sharing/problem solving in the greater Evergreen Community. ==== Next meeting: December 14, 2011 ==== [[evergreen-reports:taskforce|Taskforce Home]]