====== Evergreen Report Interest Group Meeting: 2022-06-16 ====== * **Thursday, June 16, 2022** at 1:30 PM at the Evergreen International Conference Agenda/Notes: - Welcome! What the heck is this group? - We meet the last Wednesday of every month to talk about all things reports! - Organizing committee: We want YOU! - New standing agenda items: - Report-related wins! - Report-related struggles - Cleaning up recurring reports - how to manage recurring reports based on old templates? - PINES got rid of 11,000 recurring reports from deleted staff accounts - Run reports for libraries on recurring so that they can clean them up and cancel them. - Reports rated poorly on Bibliomation user surveys. Opportunity to clean up templates and cull out list of shared reports, especially with Simple Reports incoming. - Are third-party reporting tools within the scope of the Reports Interest Group? - Yes! - TADL uses Jasper Reports - KCLS uses Power BI - Let's get some links to resources on these on the wiki (and maybe invite these folks to speak at a meeting!) - Project: Wiki cleanup - Goals: - Update and cleanup info that's already there - Start over and/or remove a lot of pages. Link back to old version if necessary - Create a "hub" for information on Evergreen reports - Link to documentation, conference presentations, and Launchpad bugs with reports tag - Get sample reports posted as a starting point for new libraries/consortia to Evergreen - Link to resources on third-party reporting tools - Questions: - Do we need/want to keep both the [[https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-reports|Evergreen reports wiki page]] and the [[evergreen-reports:rig|Interest Group]] page? - No - consolidate! Make the Interest group page the main. Ruth will do (thank you!) - How do we make those cool menus that other interest group pages? Examples: [[cataloging:cwg|Catalogers Interest Group]] and [[newdevs:start|New Developers Group]]. - Create new page [[evergreen-reports:rig:sidebar]]. Ruth will do as part of the consolidation. - Who do we talk to about deleting pages? - Outreach - Recommend deprecating/archiving rather than deleting - Candidates for deletion: - [[evergreen-reports:taskforce_wish_lists|Wish List]] - let's just use Launchpad! - [[zzz_archive:evergreen-reports:rig_reports-related_development_projects|Development Projects]] - again, Launchpad - [[evergreen-reports:posting_guidelines|Posting Guidelines]] - we'll create new guidelines for templates and SQL - Sample Templates - Main page with links out by topic? (as with the [[evergreen-reports:sql|SQL page]]? - Link to [[acq:reports|Acq Reports]] from the acq interest group, and perhaps use for inspiration/guidelines - [[evergreen-reports:posting_guidelines|Posting Guidelines]] - Put these on main pages for posting templates and SQL, have different guidelines for templates and SQL - For SQL, designate whether it is read-only or needs read/write access, and make it friendly for PG Admin, not just for command line. - Screen shots of display fields and filters are helpful for report templates