====== Evergreen Reports Interest Group Meeting - January 26, 2023 ====== * **//NOTE THIS MEETING WILL TAKE PLACE ON THURSDAY INSTEAD OF OUR USUAL WEDNESDAY//** * Rescheduled from January 25, 2023 * **Meeting Time**: 2 PM Eastern * Meeting link: [[https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83580060656?pwd=WnBRWkxlUWNzRlFzNnF2THEzKzRTdz09]] * Meeting ID: 835 8006 0656 * Passcode: 377873 * Find your local number: [[https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kef8bfLiwl]] Agenda: * The Simple Reporter with real data * What can it do? * What can't it do that we wish it could? * What changes (if any) are you making to it locally? * Testing with a set of real data, if time allows Notes were compiled into this Google Doc: [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X0d1KkVwTgJ78BkntRbHFOTPoXp-1d4JAxEdYTjHuWI/edit?usp=sharing]]