====Find it at the Library Bookmarklet==== Jon Udell created a neat little tool to allow OPAC users to search for library holdings from Amazon. This bookmarklet (which looks like a bookmark, but is actually a piece of JavaScript that builds a URL based on the ISBN scraped from the current Amazon page) resides in the Bookmarks Toolbar (at least in Firefox); to use it, click on the bookmark while viewing a book page in Amazon. See http://weblog.infoworld.com/udell/stories/2002/12/11/librarylookupGenerator.html for more details. ===Installing the Bookmarklet=== To install the bookmarklet, create a new bookmark with the following target. Change the "url_base" to your OPAC's domain, such as "www.gapines.org" or "demo.gapines.org" and place the bookmarklet in the Bookmarks Toolbar. You can also drag one of the links below to the Bookmarks Toolbar. ===JavaScript Template:=== javascript:var%20re=/([\/-]|is[bs]n=)(\d{7,9}[\dX])/i;if(re.test(location.href)==true){var%20isbn=RegExp.$2;void(win=window.open('http://'+'/opac/en-US/skin/default/xml/rresult.xml?tp=&t=&rt=isbn&adv='+isbn,'LibraryLookup','scrollbars=1,resizable=1,location=1'))} ===Example: Georgia PINES=== ==Bookmarklet:== (drag this link to toolbar to install) Find it at a PINES Library! \\ \\ ==JS Code:== javascript:var%20re=/([\/-]|is[bs]n=)(\d{7,9}[\dX])/i;if(re.test(location.href)==true){var%20isbn=RegExp.$2;void(win=window.open('http://www.gapines.org'+'/opac/en-US/skin/default/xml/rresult.xml?tp=&t=&rt=isbn&adv='+isbn,'LibraryLookup','scrollbars=1,resizable=1,location=1'))} ===Example: PINES demo=== ==Bookmarklet:== (drag this link to toolbar to install) Find it in the Evergreen Demo OPAC!