====== Meeting Minutes for First Portion of Meeting 11/16/2017 ====== [14:02] #startmeeting 2017-11-16 - Evergreen Oversight Board Meeting\\ [14:02] #topic roll call\\ [14:02] Use the #info command stating name and affiliation\\ [14:02] #info tspindler is Tim Spindler, C/W MARS\\ [14:02] == rlefaive [~rosiel@PC030.ROBLIB.UPEI.CA] has joined #evergreen\\ [14:02] #info terran is Terran McCanna, PINES\\ [14:02] #info rgagnon is Ron Gagnon, NOBLE\\ [14:02] #info sherbertbc is Sharon Herbert, Sitka/BCLC\\ [14:02] #info afterl is Amy Terlaga, Bibliomation (SFC and Conference Reports)\\ [14:02] #info scottthomas is Scott Thomas, PaILS\\ [14:02] #info gcollum is Garry Collum, KCPL\\ [14:03] #info Agenda\\ [14:03] #link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2017-11-16\\ [14:04] #minutes of August 17, 2017\\ [14:04] #link http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen\\/2017/evergreen.2017-10-19-14.01.html\\ [14:04] Any changes or corrections for the minutes?\\ [14:04] #info minutes of October 19, 2017\\ [14:05] not August 17\\ [14:05] #topic Report of the Chair\\ [14:06] I don't have anything to report.\\ [14:06] #topic Financial report\\ [14:06] #link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:financials\\ [14:06] Nothing has really changed on the financial report. Any questions?\\ [14:07] #topic SFC Updates (Amy Terlaga)\\ [14:07] Two SFC updates, both conference related:\\ [14:07] The SFC is currently helping the Evergreen Outreach Committee and the Evergreen Conference Committee by providing a PayPal account setup for conference T-shirt sales directly following registration.\\ [14:07] Access to these T-shirt sales will be provided by a link in the registration confirmation email.\\ [14:08] Great!\\ [14:08] I am working with the SFC to verify check receipts from conference sponsors. They have been very helpful in that regard. They explianed that I should also be able to do this by using the ledger.\\ [14:08] I don't know how to do that. I can take this discussion offline with the person who could explain to me either how to do that or who I should go to to verify this information going forward.\\ [14:08] I think gmcharlt is the one who knows about the ledger\\ [14:09] tspindler: Yes, I thought so.\\ [14:09] == Ruth [ad0f195d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #evergreen\\ [14:09] I can email him directly.\\ [14:09] sounds good\\ [14:09] Thank you.\\ [14:09] Any questions for afterl?\\ [14:09] sorry all, for whatever reason, #evergreen isn't connecting for me through Quassel\\ [14:09] np\\ [14:09] afterl++\\ [14:09] #info Ruth is Ruth Frasur, Hagerstown Library, Evergreen Indiana\\ [14:10] rfrasur: all work assigned to you\\ [14:10] #info miker is Mike Rylander, EOLI\\ [14:10] tspindler: excellent! I LOVE all the work being assigned to me...and cheese. I love cheese.\\ [14:11] #topic Release Manager (Dan Wells)\\ [14:11] I'm not sure if dbwells is availabel to talk. I am afraid I didn't not check\\ [14:12] #info 3.1 Road Map\\ [14:12] #link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=faqs:evergreen_roadmap:3.1\\ [14:13] #topic SFC Membership Review (Sharon Herbert, Scott Thomas and Tim Spindler)\\ [14:14] I had a couple of updates. I never received any information or response from the Open Library Foundation. We only received a financial statement from MOBIUS which I forwarded separately to the EOB.\\ [14:14] Any other questions or comments?\\ [14:15] Re: 3.1, I can try to answer questions if there happen to be any, but there isn't too much else to say for beyond the recent list communication.\\ [14:15] dbwells: thanks\\ [14:16] dbwells++; the roadmap looks pretty exciting.\\ [14:16] Do we want to move forward with a vote on SFC membership?\\ [14:16] I think we are ready\\ [14:17] I think so, also.\\ [14:17] I agree\\ [14:17] Can I entertain anyone to make a motion?\\ [14:17] I move that we accept MOBIUS's offer to be our new fiscal sponsor.\\ [14:18] Second\\ [14:18] Second\\ [14:18] #info terran moved to accept MOBIUS offer to be our new fiscal sponsor\\ [14:18] #info scottthomas seconded\\ [14:19] #startvote Accept MOBIUS offer to be our new fiscal sponsor? Yes, No, Abstain\\ [14:19] #yes\\ [14:19] #vote yes\\ [14:19] #vote yes\\ [14:19] #vote Yes\\ [14:19] #vote yes\\ [14:19] #vote yes\\ [14:19] #vote yes\\ [14:20] #vote yes\\ [14:20] #endvote\\ [14:20] I think I may have done the vote command wrong\\ [14:21] It looks okay.\\ [14:22] no tally\\ [14:22] tspindler: there is no active meeting -- the command to start the meeting appears to have had a leading space character -- thus, no meeting has begun yet and the bot has been silent.\\ [14:22] oy vey\\ [14:22] oops\\ [14:22] * kmlussier does the leading space thing all the time, but usually with unimportant commands.\\ [14:22] silly bot\\ [14:22] I'll copy and paste the meeting notes from the beginning instead of relying on the automated code.\\ [14:23] terran++\\ [14:23] i'd suggest starting it now, making an #info or similar to note why it was started late, then start a vote?\\ [14:23] then fix up the rest later. :-)\\