===== October 18, 2018 ===== - Call to order - Approval or Correction of Minutes: [[http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2018/evergreen.2018-09-20-14.02.html|September 20, 2018]] - Reports of the Officers * Chair * Financial report * SFC Updates (Amy Terlaga and others) * Contract clarifications * Release Manager (Bill Erickson) - Committee and Task Force Reports * 2019 Conference Committee (Scott Thomas) * Vote to approve sponsorship packet: [[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NyE-txZU5f744xsa2M1uwylOSPzxtWIm|Sponsorship Packet Draft]] * Outreach Committee (Kathy Lussier) - Old Business * Update on nonprofit status * Update on search for an Evergreen lawyer - New Business - Adjourn