===== October 21, 2019 ===== - Call to order - Approval or Correction of Minutes: [[http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2019/evergreen.2019-09-19-14.00.html|September 19, 2019]] - Reports of the Officers * Chair * Financial report * Financial policy subcommittee * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YSshSK_NnETfWENJScoTOwBTRHK5UW-9QmEyDKlxCK8/edit?usp=sharing|Proposed basic financial policy]] * SFC Updates * Release Manager - Committee and Task Force Reports * Conference Committees * Outreach Committee - Old Business * Updated Articles of Incorporation * Power of Attorney - Dilly - New Business - Adjourn === Remote attendees === Please use the following link to join the videoconference: [[https://zoom.us/j/202868668?pwd=SmExY05wb3QyNFRYQjR0Vk9TOFVIdz09|Zoom meeting]] * Meeting ID: 202-868-668 * Password: 110861 * One tap mobile: +19294362866,,202868668# US (New York), +16699006833,,202868668# US (San Jose)