======Overview====== This release adds functionality, configuration, and usability improvements in the following areas: * OPAC Advanced search filter for Shelving Location (when searching at appropriate locations) * OPAC Advanced search form resetting * Z39.50 target server transmission format configuration (xml vs usmarc) * Ability to use a percentage of the item price as the max fine on a circulation * Web-based Self-Check kiosk mode * Enhanced configuration settings for the new search back-end =====More 1.2.3 information===== * [[http://open-ils.org/downloads.php|Download the Evergreen 1.2.3 release]] * [[zzz_archive:upgrading:1.2.2_to_1.2.3|Upgrading from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3]] * [[http://open-ils.org/downloads/ChangeLog-|Subversion change log for]] * [[http://open-ils.org/downloads/ChangeLog-|Subversion change log for]]