======= Setting up a new series translation in Launchpad ======= Evergreen translations that involve PO and POT files are currently hosted on [[https://translations.launchpad.net/evergreen|Launchpad translations]]. (Translations for the Angular staff interface are managed using POEditor). This wiki page will document the basic steps for setting up a new series translation target. ====== Prerequisites ====== ===== Launchpad Permissions ===== In order to perform these steps, you must have the following privileges in Launchpad: - Be a member of the [[https://launchpad.net/~evergreen-release|Evergreen Release Team]] team. This is needed in order to attach a bzr branch to the code series and designate branches to import from and export to for the strings. - Be a member of the [[https://launchpad.net/~evergreen-bugs|Evergreen Bugs]] team. This is needed in order to create bzr branches owned by the evergreen-bugs team to follow the naming convention set up by this procedure. ===== Install and setup Bazaar ===== - Install Bazaar: sudo apt-get install bazaar - Setup your bzr account details: bzr whoami “FirstName LastName - Set launchpad login (replace "launchpadusr" with actual LP username): bzr launchpad-login launchpadusr ====== Procedure ====== This procedure uses Evergreen 3.11 as an example. When implementing this procedure, replace **rel_3_11** and **3.11** with values appropriate to the series that you are setting up. - View Bazaar branches: https://code.launchpad.net/evergreen/+branches - Import a branch {{translations_import_branch.png}} - Owner: evergreen-bugs - Name: **rel_3_11** - Git: [[git://git.evergreen-ils.org/Evergreen.git,branch=rel_3_11]] - Target source control is bazaar {{translations_options.png}} - then request the import and wait for to complete {{translations_processing.png}} - After import done, go to overview for Evergreen in Launchpad, select the corresponding series, configure series branch, then point at the new branch you just created - {{:i18n:1lp_configure_branch.png?400|}} - {{:i18n:2lp_spyglass.png?400|}} - {{:i18n:3lp_search_branch.png?400|}} - {{:i18n:4lp_click_update.png?200|}} - Create a bzr checkout: - bzr branch lp:evergreen/3.11 - cd 3.11 - then push to a new translation-export branch - bzr push lp:~evergreen-bugs/evergreen/translation-export-3.11 - Now we have a place for LP to send translation exports - Go to translations https://translations.launchpad.net/evergreen - Choose to do an automatic export for the series {{:i18n:screenshot_2023-05-05_175041.png?nolink&400}} - by registering the branch for the series, it recognizes it, so we only need to set the settings - import template and translation - set the translations export branch created earlier {{translations_sync_settings.png}} - Once the translation automatic sync is set up, you may need to wait for up to a day for the imports and exports to run for the first time.