**New Developers Working Group** ====== Unit Tests ====== When new code is submitted to the Evergreen community for testing and approval, that code should either include step-by-step instructions on how to test bug fixes or automated unit tests to assist in validating new features or significant changes. A unit test is typically designed to test a single action (for example, testing that a new database row is created after a form is submitted). Guidance on writing step-by-step testing instructions, as well as guidance on creating automated unit tests for Angular, Angular JS, Perl, pgTAP, and C code changes are available here: **[[:dev:contributing:qa|QA Requirements for Evergreen Code Contributions]]** An example of a unit test created by Jane Sandberg during one of our new Developer meetings is available here: **[[https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Evergreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/sandbergja/lp1857060_tests_for_979_isbns|Test for ISBNs with 979 Prefix]]** ===== Videos ===== [[newdevs:meetings:agenda-2023-05|Jane Sandberg's May 17, 2023 demonstration of test-driven development]] ===== Things to add to this page: ===== * Work is being done to deprecate Protractor and replace it with Nightwatch: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1989195 {{tag>automated-tests}}