**New Developers Working Group** ====== Overview of Evergreen's Various Interfaces ====== ===== Things to add to this page: ===== * Explain what the main interfaces are (OPAC vs staff client) * Explain that the staff client includes interfaces built in different ways at different times, discuss goal of moving everything to Angular * Explain the differences in the Bootstrap OPAC, TPAC, KPAC, discuss goals [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Ck2pQe9Wn8hk4Rqq5dn_ERb6UkXjdxEDVbWHlxwEdeM/edit?usp=sharing|Finding HTML and CSS Files in Evergreen]] -- [[community:ui_ig|UI Interest Group]] presentation, August 2023 [[https://join.slack.com/t/web-a11y/shared_invite/zt-2hn2o3hhw-j1APs7gIFGVau4iYf8Higg|List of remaining non-Angular interfaces, as of late April 2024]]