====== Tutorials Wanted ====== * Add a new column to a grid with local sorting * How grid cell templates work * [[https://github.com/berick/Presentations/blob/main/Pending/newdevs.md#grid-cell-templates|Markdown]] * Happy to modify / port to wiki as/where needed. * Add missing field to print template * Do a database call (Galen’s cat counter) * [[https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=newdevs:angular_making_calls|Calling OpenSRF from the Angular Client (WIP)]] * Retrieve a user's setting and do something based on its value * Guide to the various store services * [[https://github.com/berick/Presentations/blob/main/Pending/newdevs.md#angular-store-services|Markdown]] * Happy to modify / port to wiki as/where needed. See also [[newdevs:ideas|Project Ideas]]