Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting August 9th, 2023 4 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Pacific Attending: Katherine Dannehl, Rogan Hamby, Stephanie Leary, Kathryn Nesbit, Andrea Buntz Neiman (minutes), Olivia Scully, Jennifer Weston Meeting began 4:03pm ET * Web Site (Stephanie) * Hoping to get this updated before Hackaway * Press releases (Katherine) * Recent press releases & blog posts are ready * Need list of PR sources? * ACTION: Rogan will share Laura's list with Katherine & we will contact Ron if needed * Social Media (Kathryn) * Doing well - gotten a lot of engagement on Facebook with Seeds content & upcoming content * Been focusing on Facebook since Twitter / X is ... uncertain * Future platforms are still TBD * ACTION: Rogan will add social media to Communicate page - YouTube, Twitter, Reddit * ACTION: Rogan will also add 'sandbag' accounts for Threads, Instagram, TikTok * INFO: Rogan via his evergreen-ils.org account has a list of login info for various social media platforms * Evergreen Seeds https://feeds.captivate.fm/evergreenseeds/ (Rogan) * Third Seeds interview will be out this afternoon * Hack-A-Way October 23-25th * Forthcoming! In person! TBD! * Calendar Reboot * Galen will update remaining IG leaders today with calendar access * ACTION: Jennifer will check in with IG leaders to make sure they know what to do & what responsibilities are * Outreach will then deprecate old calendars and remove links, create promotional blitz, etc. * ACTION: Outreach will check up on this next month * Web Accessibility Update * INFO: [[https://www.ada.gov/notices/2023/07/20/web-nprm/|Draft Rule from ADA]] * Probably worth a press release & social media blitz about this * 2024 Conference * Will need to clarify communication / responsibility lines Meeting ended at 4:27pm