Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting February 7th, 2024 4 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Pacific Attending: Ruth Frasur Davis, Rogan Hamby, Stephanie Leary, Andrea Buntz Neiman (minutes), Kathryn Nesbit Meeting started 4:06pm ET * Web Site, Current (Stephanie) - * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C-rnnOgiG4JTQJ_onoebKRTE2vvdtNpLtaH15NSpg9s/edit|New content outline / wireframe]] * Shared with Outreach for review & comment * Request: please help add text, especially where there are brackets; prioritize Support page content (including vendor list) * ACTION: Rogan will send pictures & other content * ACTION: ABN will review & fill in Community & Events pages * ACTION: Ruth will look at About page and review / revise it * [[http://eg-web.georgialibraries.org/|Test site / new WordPress theme]] -- in progress; let Stephanie know if you can't log in * Discussion: other things to go on the website? * Move up press release timeline so it goes out with the main release rather than after; and instead of the blog post (duplicate effort / content) * Approved Vendors? * Core Committers? * Other wiki content - survey data, etc.? * Move historical content over to a history repo? * ACTION: Rogan will provide a list of the above * Discussion: timing for website release? * TBD, possibly a preview at the conference (at Dev Update?) and launch post conference * Check in next Wednesday 4pm for website stuff * Social Media (Kathryn) * BlueSky - job posting for EGIN got some traction * 2024 goal: software to queue BlueSky posts * 2023 Annual Report Prep (Rogan) * Schedule separate meeting for 3pm Thursday 14th Adjourned: 4:54pm ET