Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting June 12th, 2024 4 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Pacific Attending: Ruth Davis, Rogan Hamby, Stephanie Leary, Andrea Buntz Neiman (minutes), Kathryn Nesbit **Agenda** * Web Site, Current (Stephanie) - * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C-rnnOgiG4JTQJ_onoebKRTE2vvdtNpLtaH15NSpg9s/edit|New content outline / wireframe]] -- please leave comments and feedback! * [[http://eg-web.georgialibraries.org/|Test site / new WordPress theme]] -- in progress; let Stephanie know if you can't log in * ACTION: ABN will bring this to the EG board meeting next week. SL will attending the board meeting and we will focus on the new theme. * Ruth might be able to pick up some of Andrea's slack before TEP meeting - Stephanie will reassign some items to Ruth. * Press releases (Katherine) * We do have a new release! * Social Media (Kathryn) * Social Media posts about release went out * Hack-A-Way (Rogan) * It's happening! [[hack-a-way:hack-a-way-2024|Evergreen Hack-A-Way 2024]] * 2025 Conference Conversation (Ruth) * Looking at another online event in 2025 * Longer term, considering the ways the community can centralize / processify event planning * Next project(s)? * Onboarding * Video Library * Wiki Remediation Phase II * Larger organization of content Quote of the meeting: "Hope springs eternal, with a little side of gallows humor." -RD