=====Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting Agenda===== June 6, 2018\\ 2 pm Eastern\\ Present: Kathy Lussier, Rogan Hamby, Amy Terlaga, Meme Marlow Absent: Ron Gagnon, Andrea Neiman, Chris Maas ====Annual report recap - any changes for next year?==== Software issues to work out - Scribus was used this year so that more people could help out, but it’s not a very collaborative piece of software. Rogan - when you load a file, there are certain things from your local PC (settings) that it absorbs so that another person working on it has difficulties with these local settings. Kathy - we’ll try to address these things sometime this year. Printing - font size was bigger and more readable, not as much content but that’s okay. More PR than anything else. ====Evergreen logo==== the new logo looked good. Invoice to be sent to Amy so that she can get it to the SFC along with an explanation and reference to Board minutes. ====Merchandise booth==== Collected $444 at the booth Earned $650 through conference t-shirt pre-orders Bottle openers sold well. Other merchandise sold in smaller amounts. T-shirt sales not as high. Rogan can dig up the sold quantities. Rogan hopes to have leftover merchandise shipped to MOBIUS. Equinox is absorbing the cost. Rogan’s only concern - shipping the notebooks which are heavy. 132 left. May need some reimbursement from the Project on the shipping of these. For next year - may be good on T-shirts. Just do a conference T-shirt. Move inventory we have on the T-shirts. 60 bottle openers left. EOB suggestion to re-introduce pins as a conference perk - 100 universal minimum order, bundle into conference registration? Amy to talk to conference committee. Maybe a sponsorship for the pins? Amy will also ask about a small sponsorship to add one item to the merchandise table. ====ALA Annual program==== - June 23 in New Orleans [[https://evergreen-ils.org/evergreen-at-ala-annual-open-source-software-is-not-just-for-tech-gurus/]] ====Outreach Budget Request for EOB==== [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oScw-NHXwFnNx5O8rLxtt9UTnn2BmsIYPjuLPe0Blds/edit?usp=sharing|Outreach Budget Request for EOB]] Projector needed for ALA conferences Pens - Rogan will have Galen take them to ALA Bumper stickers as a give-away Shipping - we didn’t spend any this year because Equinox absorbed it, but we need to build it in for this upcoming year Printing - lower than this year The committee approved the proposed budget ====Outreach Committee charge to support and encourage community participation==== Outreach Committee charge to support and encourage community participation - Andrea Neiman will be joining us. She may come up with one project to encourage community participation. This will be discussed during our next call. Next meeting - Wednesday, August 1, 2pm EST.