=====Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting===== February 6th, 2019 2 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Pacific Google hangout link: https://meet.google.com/oip-dwca-bpc Or, join by phone: ‪+1 337-441-4148‬ PIN: ‪125 363 025‬# Recurring * 2018 Annual Report - In progress notes [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/10SYgy3ysM5BR7rl_5lCTqxUzbCKnT6LDSTgj20usWYs/edit?usp=sharing | here]] (Rogan/Andrea update) - a lot of progress has been made since the last meeting * Contributor of the Month (Andrea update) * Press releases (Ron) * ALA Meetup coordinator (Amy & Debbie) * I am Evergreen (Chris) * Conference T-Shirts - update: waiting on paypal information * Social Media Person Recruitment (Rogan) [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WzW3rTEl5fAvNkgHyPLUM5EDr6W68q8Xga0kCybpvFo/edit | Google Doc here]] - final call for input New Business : * Conference Merchandise TUTCCF - Tabled Until Torch Carrier Comes Forward * Web site refresh * Community Ambassadors