Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting November 2nd, 2022 4 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Pacific Attending: Ron Gagnon, Ruth Frasur, Debbie Luchenbill, Rogan Hamby, Jennifer Weston, Andrea Buntz Neiman (minutes) Called to order: 4:04pm ET Agenda: * Press releases (Ron) * Rogan will give Ron stats for Hackaway for a press release about Hackaway & Bug Squashing Week * Image archive (Ruth) * Nothing to report this month * Annual Report * Community Spotlight - feature upcoming retirees - ABN will reach out to our two selected; Ruth will reach out to consortium leaders for additional nominees * We are printing a hard copy; it is a sponsorship opportunity in the prospectus * Printed copies will be shipped directly to Jeanette for the conference * Please send ideas to Outreach list * Jennifer will reach out to interest groups - highlight an accomplishment of your interest group * Annual Report schedule will be out shortly * Merchandise (Debbie, Jennifer, Rogan) * Merchandising alternatives [[https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=outreach:meetings:2022-09-07:minutes|spreadsheet]] * Will make a recommendation to the Board in January, with an aim to open the store about 45 days before the conference * Pending clarification of licensing around the conference logo * Social Media (Kathryn) - scheduling regular content for Facebook & Twitter * Kathryn now has Twitter & Facebook access Adjourned: 4:24pm ET