Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting December 14th, 2022 4 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Pacific Attending: Rogan Hamby, Jennifer Weston, Andrea Neiman (minutes) Called to order 4:05pm ET * Press releases (Ron) - https://librarytechnology.org/pr/28185 * Ron was not able to attend today * Annual Report * Rogan working on changing up the layout as inspired by [[https://issuu.com/sparkcentral/docs/annual_report_2020_print_w__trim|this]] * Minimal text * Looking into software for infographics * Printer deadline April 10 * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x2VLCIbzzSMCxtM0b9DwNDJ7cB9wn8gk6qVGl-V5iPU/edit?usp=sharing|Task Assignments]] * Community Spotlight (Andrea, Ruth) - [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd9NQNneP-zk_wMn9iGs1KWkFjEKbicgf9s3mq3BvRm5pmgJw/viewform|form]] * Amy & Elaine have agreed to be featured in the Annual Report * Merchandise (Debbie, Jennifer, Rogan) * Merchandising alternatives * Rogan will recommend Threadless to the Board * Social Media (Kathryn) - scheduling regular content for Facebook & Twitter * Rogan will send out conference program updates Meeting adjourned 4:32pm **Tabled Until Torch Carrier Comes Forward** * Community Ambassadors * Image archive (Ruth)