====== Testing a tarball ====== This page is mainly intended for members of a release team who want to verify that they have built a tarball that will work for users. It could also be used by anybody else who wants to make sure a particular Evergreen tarball will work. ===== Using docker or podman ===== A huge thanks to Blake for creating this docker workflow! - Make sure that docker (or podman, if you prefer) and git are installed on your computer. - ''git clone https://github.com/mcoia/eg-docker.git'' - ''cd eg-docker/generic-tarball'' - Copy the tarball you wish to test into this generic-tarball directory. - Edit the vars.yml file. There is a line that says ''evergreen_version''. Change this version to match the Evergreen version of your tarball. - ''docker build --add-host public.localhost: --add-host public: --add-host private.localhost: --add-host private: . -t eg :tarball-testing'' (this will take several minutes) - ''docker run -it -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 210:210 -p 6001:6001 -p 32:22 -p 5433:5432 -h app.evergreen.com --name my-testing-eg-tarball eg:tarball-testing'' (this will also take several minutes) - In your browser, go to http://localhost and confirm that the public catalog and staff catalog are working - In a new terminal window, run the automated tests with ''docker exec -it my-testing-eg-tarball ansible-playbook -e hosts= /egconfigs/run_tests.yml''. It will give a short report at the end. ok, changed, skipped, and ignored items are expected, but failed means that one or more of our automated tests failed on the copy of the code within your tarball, which likely merits further investigation. Try running that test by itself to try to isolate the issue. - In your first terminal window, press Ctrl+C to stop the docker container. - ''docker rm my-testing-eg-tarball'' {{tag>automated-tests}}