====== This Page May Need Updating or Revising ====== The following instructions are dated Feb 4, 2009. Error handling in the OAIToolkit should have improved since then, however, fast-extract is probably still capable of producing bad MARCXML. This also doesn't tell you how to install the Toolkit, and assumes some specific file paths you'll want to change. --- **To extract records from EG:** PERL5LIB=/home/phasefx/svn/OpenSRF/STABLE_0_9/src/perlmods/:$PERL5LIB time ./fast-extract| \ ./import/marc_add_ids -set_001_003 -f deleted -f id -f tcn_source -f tcn_value -f marc > ~/exported-records.marcxml **To start and stop Tomcat:** cd ~/apache-tomcat-6.0.18 bin/startup.sh bin/shutdown.sh **To load or update records:** cd ~/OAIToolkit cp some.marc.xml marcxml/ ./load.sh It seems that Tomcat needs to be restarted for an updated Lucene index to become visible. If you delete ~/OAIToolkit/lucene_index/, it will be recreated on the next invocation of load.sh The toolkit doesn't like records with bad leaders, or nonvalid subfield codes and indicators. It can break completely with a "MarcException", and not report in its summary the records it does manage to create and/or update. **To view the web service:** http://hostname:8080/OAIToolkit