====== For Evergreen 1.6 and earlier ====== ===== This Page May Need Updating or Revising===== In server/patron/, summary_overlay.xul summary_overlay_horiz.xul and bills_overlay.xul, take every element that has class="hide_patron_credit" and change hidden="true" to hidden="false". Also, in bills_overlay.xul, look for id="payment_type_menuitem4", and uncomment that element. The thought, which we never finished implementing, was to move away from the @hidden attribute, and set up some CSS to look for the hide_patron_credit class. Then folks could use local CSS to override the behavior for hide_patron_credit. ===== Outstanding bugs ===== See http://svn.open-ils.org/trac/ILS/ticket/28 ===== summary_overlay.xul and summary_overlay_horiz.xul ===== becomes ===== bills_overlay.xul ===== becomes and