Recap: * Final consensus/approval of the final user story list. * June mailed out a copy of our user stories to the general mailing list to keep them informed. (see * The “Web Group” (team working on making immediate improvements to existing site) has been meeting separately and done a LOT of GREAT work with respect to current site w/r/t user stories. They built a spreadsheet they are using to track various information about existing and future website content and features, sort of a content census. Currently, their work involves collecting the following information for each piece of functionality or content: Does It Exist? (yes/no/partial), URL?, path (what we click to get to this page), Is it Complete?, Is it Current/Up-to-date?, Is it Findable using Site Navigation?, Other Notes About This Page/Functionality, and Webteam Recommendations About This Page/Functionality. The Web Group will let us know about their progress over the next month or two as they complete this information collection. * June and Amy led a discussion of The Survey, and everyone contributed to improve the current survey draft.