======Installing OpenSRF 2.0====== In the following instructions, you are asked to perform certain steps as either the **root** user or the **opensrf** user. * **Debian** To become the **root** user, issue the ''su -'' command and enter the password of the root user. * **Ubuntu** To become the **root** user, issue the ''sudo su -'' command and enter the password of your current user. To switch from the **root** user to a different user, issue the ''su - '' command; for example, ''su - opensrf''. Once you have become a non-root user, to become the **root** user again simply issue the ''exit'' command. Also, in the following instructions, **/path/to/OpenSRF/** represents the path to the OpenSRF source directory. - As the **root** user, add the opensrf user. We set the default shell for the new user to ''/bin/bash'' to inherit a reasonable environment: useradd -m -s /bin/bash opensrf passwd opensrf - As the **opensrf** user, download and extract the source files for OpenSRF 2.0.1: wget http://evergreen-ils.org/downloads/opensrf-2.0.1.tar.gz tar xzf opensrf-2.0.1.tar.gz A new directory ''opensrf-2.0.1'' is created. - As the **root** user, install the software prerequisites using the automatic prerequisite installer. Replace //// below with the following value for your distribution: * ''debian-lenny'' for Debian Lenny (5.0) * ''debian-squeeze'' for Debian Squeeze (6.0) * ''fedora13'' for Fedora 13 * ''ubuntu-hardy'' for Ubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) * ''ubuntu-lucid'' for Ubuntu Lucid Lynx (10.04) * ''centos'' for CentOS 5 * ''rhel'' for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 aptitude install make cd /path/to/OpenSRF make -f src/extras/Makefile.install This will install a number of packages required by OpenSRF on your system, including some Perl modules from CPAN. The first time you run CPAN, it will ask you whether you want it to automatically configure itself to download and install Perl modules from CPAN; in general, we suggest that you let CPAN auto-configure itself. Also, always allow the CPAN installer to install prerequisite modules when it asks. - Build OpenSRF: - As the **opensrf** user, configure and compile OpenSRF. You can include the ''--enable-python'' configure options if you want to include support for Python: cd /path/to/OpenSRF ./configure --prefix=/openils --sysconfdir=/openils/conf make - As the **root** user, return to your OpenSRF build directory and install OpenSRF: cd /path/to/OpenSRF make install - As the **root** user, add ''/openils/lib'' to the system dynamic library path and make your system recognize the newly installed libraries. For example, on Ubuntu or Debian you would perform the following steps: - Create a file named ''/etc/ld.so.conf.d/osrf.conf'' containing the following line: /openils/lib /usr/local/lib - Run the following command: ldconfig - Define your public and private OpenSRF domains. For security purposes, OpenSRF uses Jabber domains to separate services into public and private realms. Throughout these instructions, we will use the example domains ''public.localhost'' for the public domain and ''private.localhost'' for the private domain. On a single-server system, the easiest way to define public and private domains is to define separate hostnames by adding entries to the ''/etc/hosts'' file. Here are the entries to add as root to a stock ''/etc/hosts'' file for our example domains: public.localhost public private.localhost private - As the **root** user, change the ownership of the installed files to the opensrf user: chown -R opensrf:opensrf /openils - As the **root** user, stop the ejabberd service: /etc/init.d/ejabberd stop * If ejabberd reports that it is already stopped, it may have run into a problem starting back at the installation stage. (**NOTE:** Frequently, although stopping ejabberd as shown above does not show an error, it also does not stop properly, so you may wish to at least ensure that it is stopped as shown below by killing the processes.) One possible fix is to kill any remaining ''beam'' and ''epmd'' processes, then edit ''/etc/default/ejabberd'' to hardcode a domain: epmd -kill killall beam; killall beam.smp rm /var/lib/ejabberd/* echo 'ERLANG_NODE=ejabberd@localhost' >> /etc/default/ejabberd - As the **root** user, edit ''/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg'' to increase the default limits (meant for a small instant messaging server) to something reasonable for our use of XMPP as a message bus: * Change {hosts, ["localhost"]}. to {hosts, ["localhost", "private.localhost", "public.localhost"]}. * Increase the maximum number of times a user can log in concurrently: * Newer versions of ejabberd: ''{access, max_user_sessions, [{10, all}]}.'', then change it to ''{access, max_user_sessions, [{10000, all}]}.'' * Older versions of ejabberd: change ''{max_user_sessions, 10}.'' to ''{max_user_sessions, 10000}.'' * Change all three occurrences of ''max_stanza_size'' to ''2000000''. * Change both occurrences of ''maxrate'' to ''500000''. * Comment out the ''{mod_offline'' line by placing two ''%'' signs in front. - As the **root** user, restart the ejabberd service to test the configuration changes and to register your users: /etc/init.d/ejabberd start - On each domain, you need two Jabber users to manage the OpenSRF communications: * a "router" user, to whom all requests to connect to an OpenSRF service will be routed; this Jabber user must be named "router" * an "opensrf" user, which clients use to connect to OpenSRF services; this user can be named anything you like, but we will use "opensrf" in our examples - Therefore, as the **root** user, register your "router" and "opensrf" ejabber users for the OpenSRF router service on each domain. The users should have different passwords on each domain. These users will correspond to your configuration in ''opensrf_core.xml'': # Syntax for registering a user with ejabberdctl # ejabberdctl register ejabberdctl register router private.localhost ejabberdctl register opensrf private.localhost ejabberdctl register router public.localhost ejabberdctl register opensrf public.localhost Note: There appears to be a problem with ejabberdctl in that it does not escape input correctly, so a password like '''0P3N$SRF''' will be created as '''0P3N'''. A [[https://support.process-one.net/browse/EJAB-1399|bug against ejabberd]] has been filed. To register a password using ejabberdctl with special shell characters until such time as that bug is resolved, the workaround is to specify a double-escaped character at the command line, for example, '''0P3N\\\\$RF''' - As the **opensrf** user, create the ''/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml'' and ''/openils/conf/opensrf.xml'' configuration files from the example templates: cp /openils/conf/opensrf.xml.example /openils/conf/opensrf.xml cp /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml.example /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml - Edit ''/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml'' to change the Jabber usernames and passwords as follows. I'm using XPath syntax on the left-hand side to indicate the position in the XML file: * ''/config/opensrf/username'' = opensrf * ''/config/opensrf/passwd'' = password for **private.localhost** opensrf user (line 38*) * ''/config/gateway/username'' = opensrf * ''/config/gateway/passwd'' = password for **public.localhost** opensrf user (line 97*) * ''/config/routers/router/transport'' - first entry, where ''transport/server'' == **public.localhost** : * ''username'' = router * ''password'' = password for **public.localhost** router user (line 121*) * ''/config/routers/router/transport'' - second entry, where ''transport/server'' == **private.localhost** : * ''username'' = router * ''password'' = password for **private.localhost** router user (line 143*) * * if there are future changes to the opensrf_core.xml file, these line numbers may be off - We also need to specify the domains from which we'll accept and to which we'll make connections. If you are installing OpenSRF on a single server and using the "private.localhost" / "public.localhost" domains, these will already be set to the correct values. Otherwise, search and replace to match your values. - Copy ''/openils/conf/srfsh.xml.example'' to ''.srfsh.xml'' in the home directory of each user you want to use to run the srfsh command line client for testing OpenSRF, and edit ''.srfsh.xml'' as follows: * ''domain'' is the router hostname (following our domain examples, ''private.localhost'' will give your srfsh access to all OpenSRF services, while ''public.localhost'' will only give you access to those OpenSRF services that are publicly exposed) * ''username'' and ''password'' must match your ''opensrf'' ejabber user for the chosen domain * ''logfile'' is the full path for a log file to which that user has write access router private.localhost opensrf privsrf 5222 /tmp/srfsh.log 3 - As the **opensrf** user, set the path of the opensrf user's ''.bashrc'' file: echo "export PATH=/openils/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc =====Starting OpenSRF===== As the **root** user, before starting OpenSRF, ensure that your Jabber and memcached daemons are running. /etc/init.d/ejabberd restart /etc/init.d/memcached restart # restarts are less disruptive to the system than 'start' when you are unsure of the service's current state As the **opensrf** user, start OpenSRF. Starting OpenSRF with the ''start_all'' option starts the OpenSRF router, Perl services, and C services. (**NOTE**: use the ''-l'' flag only if you wish to force the hostname for the '''' section in ''opensrf.xml'' to be ''localhost''): osrf_ctl.sh -l -a start_all * If you receive the error message **bash: osrf_ctl.sh: command not found**, then your environment variable **PATH** does not include the ''/openils/bin'' directory; this should have been set by ''.bashrc'' when you logged in as the ''opensrf'' user, but you can manually set it using the following command:export PATH=$PATH:/openils/bin =====Testing connections to OpenSRF ===== Once you have installed and started OpenSRF, test your connection to OpenSRF via ''srfsh'': - Start ''srfsh'' and try calling the ''add'' method on the OpenSRF math service: /openils/bin/srfsh srfsh# request opensrf.math add 2 2 You should see a result like: Received Data: 4 ------------------------------------ Request Completed Successfully Request Time in seconds: 0.007519 ------------------------------------ srfsh# If this does not work, it's time to do some troubleshooting. Please do not make any significant changes to your configuration. If you have followed the entire set of installation steps listed here closely, you are probably extremely close to a working system. Gather your configuration files and log files in ''/openils/var/log'' and contact the [[http://open-ils.org/listserv.php|Evergreen development mailing list]] for assistance before making any drastic changes to your system configuration. =====Stopping OpenSRF===== - As the **opensrf** user, stop OpenSRF: osrf_ctl.sh -l -a stop_all