====== Unique Management ====== [[http://www.unique-mgmt.com/|Unique Management Services, Inc.]] is a collection agency specializing in libraries and their patrons. When configured in Evergreen, Unique can query the database to get contact information for patrons whose obligations to the library exceed chosen thresholds -- generally when $25 or more is owed because of fines, fees, or unreturned items. In order to configure Unique's services for an Evergreen library, the company needs: * The OU shortname to query * The username and password to an account with the following permissions: * CREATE_BILL * CREATE_PAYMENT * money.collections_tracker.create * money.collections_tracker.delete * OPAC_LOGIN * STAFF_LOGIN * UPDATE_USER * VIEW_USER * VIEW_USER_FINES_SUMMARY * VOID_BILLING This code will create a profile group which you can assign to the Unique Management user: INSERT INTO permission.grp_tree (name, parent, usergroup, description, application_perm) VALUES ('Unique Mgmt', 3, TRUE, 'Unique Management debt collection', 'group_application.user.staff'); INSERT INTO permission.grp_perm_map (grp, perm, depth, grantable) SELECT g.id, p.id, 0, TRUE FROM permission.grp_tree g, permission.perm_list p WHERE g.name = 'Unique Mgmt' AND p.code IN ( 'CREATE_BILL', 'CREATE_PAYMENT', 'money.collections_tracker.create', 'money.collections_tracker.delete', 'OPAC_LOGIN', 'STAFF_LOGIN', 'UPDATE_USER', 'VIEW_USER', 'VIEW_USER_FINES_SUMMARY', 'VOID_BILLING' ); Unique uses the ''money.collections_tracker'' table to store information about their interaction with patrons.