Table of Contents

Code Formatting Standards

FIXME This page is a work in progress and currently NOT official! FIXME

General Conventions

As a general rule, Evergreen contributions should follow these basic conventions.

Tool Specifics


The following Vim options or something similar (often set via .vimrc) will help with proper indentation:

set tabstop=4
set softtabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
set backspace=indent,eol,start
autocmd BufEnter ?akefile*,*txt,*out,*csv,*.c,*.h,*.sql set noet "use real tabs in Makefiles, text files, C code, and SQL files

In addition, the following VIM options have been recommended by a prominent Evergreen developer but are not actually format related :-) :

set hlsearch
vnoremap < <gv
vnoremap > >gv
set nobk
set whichwrap=b,s,<,>,[,]
set smartcase
filetype on
syntax enable
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.xhtml setf html
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.bsh setf java
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.ftl setf html
set bg=dark
let loaded_matchparen = 1

GNU Emacs

Add the following lines to your .emacs file and your code will meet the above standards for Perl.

; Use cperl-mode by default
(defalias 'perl-mode 'cperl-mode)

; cperl-mode doesn't have an add-style command, so we create our
; style in a defun.
(defun evergreen-perl-style ()
  "Set cperl-mode for Evergreen coding guidelines."
  (setq cperl-indent-level  4
	cperl-brace-offset 0
	cperl-continued-brace-offset 0
	cperl-label-offset -4
	cperl-continued-statement-offset 4
	cperl-close-paren-offset -4
	cperl-indent-parens-as-block t
	cperl-tab-always-indent t
	cperl-merge-trailing-else t
	cperl-left-aligned-indent-comments t
	indent-tabs-mode nil))
; cperl-mode hook
(add-hook 'cperl-mode-hook
	  (lambda ()

The above will use these style guidelines on all of your Perl sources. More advanced users might want to configure other styles for different projects and check buffer-file-name to switch styles on a per-buffer basis. You might also want to look into setting many of the cperl-electric-* variables or cperl-hairy. They add a lot of neat features for automatic code completion in Perl.


The following options are recommended when using perltidy to format your Perl code:


perltidy -ce -b

This will tidy and move your original to Note that this will clobber an existing file!