The Evergreen Website: The Future is Almost Here
Lori Ayre of the Evergreen Web Team writes:
“We've got the prototype for the new website started and people can watch our progress at The group working on this is Alexey Lazar (PALS), Stephen Wills (Beyond Print and Maine Evergreen libraries), Anoop Atre (ESI), Ben Shum (Bibliomation), and Lori Ayre & Jim Craner (Galecia Group). Anyone who wants to help out with the project is encouraged to join the Web Team list ( and let us know. We'll also be regularly sending out updates and inviting comments from the community via the general mailing list.”
And while the new website is coming into shape, now is a good time to acknowledge those individuals that have kept the current website going, as well as those who’ve maintained the listservs and the various Evergreen social media sites. To see a full listing of names, go to
Something for New Evergreen Developers
Thomas Berezansky of MVLC (Merrimack Valley Library Consortium, MA) has created a document meant for first time developers to get the basics of the Evergreen system down. He provides a basic overview of the system, focusing on three distinct areas that one would develop in. His document can be found at Lori Ayre of Galecia Group has taken Thomas’ document and has modified it some:
Evergreen Development Partnerships
Acquisitions Improvements coming in 2.3: MassLNC, SCLends, SITKA, and Bibliomation partnered together on a number of acquisitions enhancements coming in release 2.3. These enhancements include:
*EDI Invoices *EDI Enhanced/Enriched Ordering *Multiple POs Per Invoice (Manual Invoicing) *Encumbrances move to new fiscal year even if money is not rolled over *Block purchase order from activating if there is a line item with zero copies
The full list of enhancements will be announced with the release of 2.3.
Bibliomation Prepares List of Enhancement Requests: by Amy Terlaga, Bibliomation
Bibliomation is about to send out to interested developers their list of approximately 30 enhancement requests, asking for development quotes. This list was produced from their member libraries; submissions were received earlier in the year. Bibliomation used IdeaTorrent, open source idea submission and voting software recommended by SITKA, to allow their members to vote on their enhancement suggestions. The top vote getters made the list of thirty, soon to be submitted to Evergreen developers. Once Bibliomation receives the quotes, we’ll most likely be looking for partners on some of the work. Look for future updates on Bibliomation’s progress in upcoming newsletters.
New Git Authors by Ben Shum, Bibliomation
It's so great to see our development community grow. In July, we saw several community members offering their first git patches and having them added to the core Evergreen code. We'd like to recognize:
Bob Wicksall, Pioneer Library System - added paging to My Lists area of TPAC - first commit added to master on July 10 Kathy Lussier, MassLNC - TPAC bug fixes and enhancements - first commit added to master on July 13 Melissa Lefebvre, Bibliomation - TPAC design and style sheet changes - first commit added to master on July 17 Steven Chan, Sitka - bug fixes for Acquisitions and staff client - first commit added to master on July 24
So great to see their work being shared and looking forward to more from them and others in the future!
Reports Task Force Update by Jenny Turner, PALS
The Evergreen Reports Taskforce has suspended meetings for the summer and will resume with bi-monthly meetings beginning in September. In the meantime, remember to make use of the Evergreen Reports mailing list:
Evergreen Libraries in the News
Bob Neeper of Community Library, OHIONET, writes:
Ohio joined the Evergreen Community in 2012 with 3 libraries currently 'live'. 2 more in the final phase 4 scheduled for early next year
Information on Consortium of Ohio Libraries (COOL) is at
Migration and support are through Equinox and OHIONET.
OHIONET is a library membership organization (member-funded, 501©(3) ) of academic, public, school and special libraries in Ohio, West Virginia, and western Pennsylvania.
This is not a state library initiative, but partial match migration funds were provided to a few libraries.
PALS, Minnesota
Stephen Elfstrand, Executive Director of PALS, writes: PALS has just concluded the 2nd test migration and staff training for the Campbell Library in East Grand Forks, MN. We are providing hosting, migration, training and support services. They [went] live on version 2.2 on Aug 6th.
Balsam Consortium, Maine
Steve Wills has the following two exciting news items:
[On] July 25th, the Balsam Consortium welcomed the Bangor Public School System, one of the largest school systems in Maine into the Consortium. They will be our second public school system with 10 libraries spread across the K12 spectrum. I hope to get them on board as kids catalog users as we go forward.
We also moved the Foxcroft Academy, a private boarding college preparatory school from Koha to Evergreen in early July. Since they were already on an open source platform, they were prepared for the open source experience.
Have something to contribute to the Fall Evergreen Newsletter? Drop me an email at